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Thermostat, 180 Degree

-The HCRNR36846 Thermostat, 180 Degree fits equipment brands such as: Allis Chalmers, International, John Deere
Manufacturer: Hy-Capacity
Vendor: Hy-Capacity
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Products specifications
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Warranty 1 Year
Products specifications
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Warranty 1 Year
Use On Below Models (Click to expand)
Allis Chalmers
205 IH C221 Gas, LPG, Sleeveless, pistons w/ dome and dish, 4.00" thrust bearing flange 303 IH C221 Gas, LPG, Sleeveless, pistons w/ dome and dish, 4.00" thrust bearing flange 315 IH C221 Gas, LPG, Sleeveless, pistons w/ dome and dish, 4.00" thrust bearing flange 403 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeveless 453 IH C301 Gas, LPG 615 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeveless, pistons w/ dome & dish, 4.00" thrust bearing flange 715 IH C301 Gas, LPG
414 IH C263 Gas, LPG 416 IH C263 Gas 420 IH C263 Gas, LPG 422 IH C263 Gas 612 IH C291 Gas, LPG 616 IH C301 Gas, LPG 622 IH C291 Gas, LPG; IH C301 Gas, LPG
TD340 IH D166 Diesel
T6 (62 Series) IH C263 Gas, LPG
50 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeveless, pistons w/ dome & dish, 4.00" thrust bearing flange
9000 IH C291 Gas, LPG
U221 IH C221 Gas, LPG
2500 Constructall IH D188 Diesel, Early, 4.165" OD liner flange 2500 Constructtall IH D188 Diesel, Late, 3.873" OD liner flange 2504 IH D188 Diesel 340 IH D166 Diesel, Early, 4.165" OD liner flange 504 IH D188 Diesel 560 IH C263 Gas 660 IH C263 Gas
2606 IH C221 Gas, LPG 2656 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeved, Late, pistons with contour dome, 3.75"or 4.00" thrust bearing flange 2706 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeved, Late, pistons with contour dome, 3.75"or 4.00" thrust bearing flange; IH C291 Gas, LPG 2756 IH C291 Gas, LPG 2806 IH C301 Gas, LPG 2826 IH C301 Gas, LPG 2856 IH C301 Gas, LPG 3514 IH D188 Diesel 3616 IH C221 Gas, LPG, After ESN 35093, contoured dome piston, 4.00" thrust bearing flange 3800 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeved, Late, pistons with contour dome, 3.75"or 4.00" thrust bearing flange 3850 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeved, Late, pistons with contour dome, 3.75"or 4.00" thrust bearing flange 460 IH C221 Gas, LPG 606 IH C221 Gas, LPG 656 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeved, Late, pistons with contour dome, 3.75"or 4.00" thrust bearing flange 666 IH C291 Gas, LPG 686 IH C291 Gas, LPG 706 IH C263 Gas, LPG, Sleeved, Late, pistons with contour dome, 3.75"or 4.00" thrust bearing flange; IH C291 Gas, LPG 756 IH C291 Gas, LPG 766 IH C291 Gas, LPG 806 IH C301 Gas, LPG 826 IH C301 Gas, LPG 856 IH C301 Gas, LPG Hydro 70 IH C291 Gas, LPG Hydro 86 IH C291 Gas, LPG
John Deere
6602 John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel, Naturally Aspirated, ESN 215000-335845, block marked R40610, R40620, R45950, R47170, R48440 7700 John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel, Naturally Aspirated, ESN 215000-335845, block marked R40610, R40620, R45950, R47170, R48440
105 John Deere 341 Gas, LPG; John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel
500 John Deere 201 Gas, LPG, Original Block, block marked R26150, has weep holes; John Deere 227 Gas, LPG; John Deere 4270 Diesel 500A John Deere 227 Gas, LPG; John Deere 241 Gas, LPG, block marked R40690, R49510; John Deere 4270 Diesel 500B John Deere 241 Gas, LPG, block marked R40690, R49510; John Deere 4270 Diesel, Engine S/N 124,999->, block marked R40700, R47520, R48430, R50610, R72127 500C John Deere 241 Gas, LPG, block marked R40690, R49510; John Deere 4270 Diesel, Engine S/N 124,999->, block marked R40700, R47520, R48430, R50610, R72127 510 John Deere 241 Gas, LPG, block marked R40690, R49510; John Deere 4270 Diesel, Engine S/N 124,999->, block marked R40700, R47520, R48430, R50610, R72127 700 John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN <-11999, Block Marked R35130 700A John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN 11999->, Block Marked R40270, R42370, R45300, R47510
6404A John Deere 6404 Diesel, Naturally Aspirated, ESN 215000-335845, block marked R40610, R40620, R45950, R47170, R48440 JD362G John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530
760 John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN 11999->, Block Marked R40270, R42370, R45300, R47510 760A John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN 11999->, Block Marked R40270, R42370, R45300, R47510
50 John Deere 190 Gas, LPG, spark plugs in block, 4.250" comp. distance 620 John Deere 303 Gas, LPG 630 John Deere 303 Gas, LPG 70 John Deere 376 Diesel 80 John Deere 471 Diesel 820 John Deere 471 Diesel 830 John Deere 471 Diesel 840 John Deere 471 Diesel
3010 John Deere 201 Gas, LPG, Original Block, block marked R26150, has weep holes; John Deere 254D Diesel 3020 John Deere 227 Gas, LPG; John Deere 241 Gas, LPG, block marked R40690, R49510; John Deere 4270 Diesel 4000 John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel, Naturally Aspirated, ESN 215000-335845, block marked R40610, R40620, R45950, R47170, R48440 4010 John Deere 301 Gas, LPG; John Deere 381D, 6404 Diesel 4020 John Deere 341 Gas, LPG; John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel 4040 John Deere 6404 Diesel, Naturally Aspirated, After ESN 335845, block marked R49470, R49650, R59850, R72128, R87558 4230 John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel, Naturally Aspirated, After ESN 335845, block marked R49470, R49650, R59850, R72128, R87558 5010 John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN <-11999, Block Marked R35130 5020 John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN 11999->, Block Marked R40270, R42370, R45300, R47510 520 John Deere 190 Gas, LPG, spark plugs in head, 3.776" comp. distance 530 John Deere 190 Gas, LPG, spark plugs in head, 3.776" comp. distance 60 John Deere 321 Gas, LPG, spark plugs in block 600 John Deere 341 Gas, LPG; John Deere 362 Gas, LPG, block marked R40670, R40680, R49520, R49530; John Deere 6404 Diesel 6030 John Deere 6531 Diesel, ESN 11999->, Block Marked R40270, R42370, R45300, R47510 720 John Deere 376 Diesel 730 John Deere 376 Diesel
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