Larsen LED kit made to fit < 2020 JD 6xxx M series
JD 6110M, 6125M,6140M, 6155M, 6175, 6195M.
Choose from 2 light models. the LED-4405 - a 3200 effective lumen light, or the Thomas LED RHP-4 - a 4300 lumen light.
Add extra lights below if your tractor has 4 front top cab lights and 4 rear lights (LED-4405 trapezoid)
Loader lights can be added, or single beam lights if your tractor does not have the Hi-Lo loader lights.
We can replace all the grill lights if needed, the high beam and field flood lights in the main headlight assembly, and the low grill lights (low beam) if installed.
Find the lights used in this kit in "Related Products / Used in kits"