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Front Crankshaft Wear Sleeve

-The HCR5A154684 Front Crankshaft Wear Sleeve fits equipment brands such as: Case, International
Manufacturer: Hy-Capacity
SKU: HCR5A154684
Vendor: Hy-Capacity
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Warranty 1 Year
Products specifications
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Warranty 1 Year
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Use On Below Models (Click to expand)
680C Case 301B Diesel 780B Case 336BDT Diesel
40D Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 40E Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 420 Case 251 Diesel; Case 251 Gas 50E Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone compression rings 680B Case 267B Diesel; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 680CK Case A251 Gas, LPG; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 680E Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel 680G Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel 680H Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 780CK Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel; Case 336BDT Diesel 800 Case 336BDT Diesel
1000 Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 1010 Case A284 Gas; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 1060 Case A284 Gas; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 1160 Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 800 Case 251 Gas; Case A251 Gas, LPG; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.358" piston pin
1450 Case 504BDT Diesel
1150 Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin 1150B Case 451BD, 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.500" piston pin 1150C Case 451BD, 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.500" piston pin 1150D Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 1155D Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 1450B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam 1455B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam 750 Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 850 Case 301B Diesel; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 850B Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel 850C Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 855C Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings
880 Case 336BDT Diesel 880B Case 336BDT Diesel
1080 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 1080B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 1187 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 1187B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 1280 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 1280B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 35B Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel, 5.094" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone top ring; Case 336BDT Diesel, 5.094" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone compression rings 880C Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 980 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.094" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone compression rings 980B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone compression rings
504D Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.094" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings A284 Case A284 Gas
600 Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel 825 Case 336BDT Diesel
1370 Case 504BDT Diesel 1470 Case 504BDT Diesel 2290 Case 504BDT Diesel 2470 Case 504BDT Diesel
1030 Case A451D, A451DT Diesel, Indirect Injection, w/ 1.50"piston pin 1070 Case 451BD, 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.500" piston pin 1090 Case 451BD, 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.500" piston pin 1170 Case 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.625" piston pin 1175 Case 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.625" piston pin 1200 Case A451D, A451DT Diesel, Indirect Injection, w/ 1.50"piston pin 1270 Case 451BDT Diesel, Direct Injection, 1.625" piston pin 1570 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone compression rings 2090 Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 2094 Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings 2294 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, keystone compression rings 2390 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam 2394 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 2590 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam 2594 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 2670 Case 504BDTI Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, dual ni-resist insert 3294 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 3394 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 3594 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 400 Case 251 Diesel; Case 251 Gas 400 Super Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.358" piston pin 425 Case 251 Diesel; Case 251 Gas 4490 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam 4494 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump 4690 Case 504BDTI Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, dual ni-resist insert 4694 Case 504BDTI Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, dual ni-resist insert 500 Case 337D Diesel 600 Case 337 Gas, LPG; Case 337D Diesel 700 Case 251 Gas; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.358" piston pin 730 Case A251 Gas, LPG; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.358" piston pin 740 Case A251 Gas, LPG 770 Case 251B Gas; Case 267B Diesel 800 Case 251 Gas; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.358" piston pin 830 Case A284 Gas; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin 840 Case A284 Gas 870 Case 301B Gas; Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel 900 Case 337 Gas, LPG; Case 337D Diesel 920 Case 337D Diesel 930 Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel 970 Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel; Case A377B Gas
475 Case 301B Diesel; Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel
Wheel Loader
W24 Case 504BD Diesel
300C Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel 400C Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel W10 Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.358" piston pin W10B Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin W10C Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin W10E Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel; Case A377B Gas W12 Case A451D, A451DT Diesel, Indirect Injection, w/ 1.50"piston pin W14 Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel W14FL Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel W14H Case 336BD, 336BDT Diesel W18 Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel W18B Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings W20 Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel W20B Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel W20C Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.625" piston pin, rectangular compression rings W24B Case 504BD Diesel; Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel W24C Case 504BD, 504BDT Diesel W26B Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.094" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, keystone compression rings W30 Case 504BDT Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, w/ CVC fuel injection pump W36 Case 504BDTI Diesel, 5.192" fire dam, 1.800" piston pin, dual ni-resist insert W7 Case A284 Gas; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin W7E Case 301B Diesel; Case 301B Gas W8B Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin W8C Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin W8E Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel; Case A377B Gas W9 Case 251 Gas; Case A267D Diesel, w/ 1.358" piston pin W9A Case A284 Gas; Case A301D Diesel, w/ 1.500" piston pin W9B Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin W9C Case A377 Gas, LPG; Case A401D Diesel, Round Single Port Manifold Gaskets, 1.500" piston pin W9E Case 401B, 401BDT Diesel; Case A377B Gas
BMD IH BD264 British Diesel BTD100 IH BD264 British Diesel BTD6 IH BD264 British Diesel BWD6 IH BD264 British Diesel T6 IH C248 Gas T6 (61 Series) IH C264 Gas, LPG, Thru S/N 163807, 1.312" piston pin; IH C264, C281 Gas, LPG, C264 After S/N 163807, domed pistons w/ 1.000" pin T9 IH C335 Gas TD6 IH D248 Diesel TD6 61 Series IH D264 Diesel; IH D281 Diesel TD9 IH D335 Diesel TD9 (91 Series) IH D350 Diesel
Power Unit
IU6 IH C248 Gas U264 IH C264 Gas, LPG, Thru S/N 163807, 1.312" piston pin U335 IH C335 Gas U6 IH C248 Gas U9 IH C335 Gas UD264 IH D264 Diesel UD281 IH D281 Diesel UD350 IH D350 Diesel UD9 IH D335 Diesel, Early, 3.623" rod journal UD9A IH D335 Diesel, Late, 2.748" rod journal
2504 IH C153 Gas, LPG 400 IH C264 Gas, LPG, Thru S/N 163807, 1.312" piston pin; IH C264, C281 Gas, LPG, C264 After S/N 163807, domed pistons w/ 1.000" pin; IH D264 Diesel 450 IH C264, C281 Gas, LPG, C264 After S/N 163807, domed pistons w/ 1.000" pin; IH D281 Diesel 600 IH C350 Gas; IH D350 Diesel 650 IH C350 Gas; IH D350 Diesel B450 IH BD264 British Diesel I6 IH C248 Gas, Early, 2.498" rod journal, 1.312" piston pin I9 IH C335 Gas ID6 IH D248 Diesel ID9 IH D335 Diesel M IH C248 Gas, Early, 2.498" rod journal, 1.312" piston pin MD IH D248 Diesel MDV IH D248 Diesel MV IH C248 Gas, Early, 2.498" rod journal, 1.312" piston pin O-6 IH C248 Gas, Early, 2.498" rod journal, 1.312" piston pin O9 IH C335 Gas OD9 IH D335 Diesel ODS6 IH D248 Diesel OS-6 IH C248 Gas, Early, 2.498" rod journal, 1.312" piston pin Super M IH C264 Gas, LPG, Thru S/N 163807, 1.312" piston pin Super MD IH D264 Diesel Super MDV IH D264 Diesel Super W6 IH C264 Gas, LPG, Thru S/N 163807, 1.312" piston pin Super WD6 IH D264 Diesel Super WD9 IH D350 Diesel Super WDR9 IH D350 Diesel W400 IH C264 Gas, LPG, Thru S/N 163807, 1.312" piston pin; IH C264, C281 Gas, LPG, C264 After S/N 163807, domed pistons w/ 1.000" pin; IH D264 Diesel W450 IH C264, C281 Gas, LPG, C264 After S/N 163807, domed pistons w/ 1.000" pin; IH D281 Diesel W6 IH C248 Gas, Early, 2.498" rod journal, 1.312" piston pin W9 IH C335 Gas WD6 IH D248 Diesel WD9 IH D335 Diesel WDR9 IH D335 Diesel WR9 IH C335 Gas WR9S IH C335 Gas
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